Ver:05000009 Serial number: ******** CPU: 1200MHz Total RAM: 2 GB Initializing boot device... Initializing MAC... NP6XLITE#0 Please wait for OS to boot, or press any key to display configuration menu......
Booting OS... Initializing firewall...
System is starting...
FortiGate-60F login: admin Password: You are forced to change your password. Please input a new password. New Password: Confirm Password: Welcome!
FortiGate-60F # get sys status Version: FortiGate-60F v7.0.8,build0418,221012 (GA.F) Firmware Signature: certified Virus-DB: 91.00772(2023-02-20 20:26) Extended DB: 91.00772(2023-02-20 20:26) AV AI/ML Model: 2.09792(2023-02-20 20:45) IPS-DB: 22.00498(2023-02-16 05:48) IPS-ETDB: 0.00000(2001-01-01 00:00) APP-DB: 22.00498(2023-02-16 05:48) INDUSTRIAL-DB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30) IPS Malicious URL Database: 4.00626(2023-02-19 13:46) Serial-Number: ******** BIOS version: 05000009 System Part-Number: P24286-03 Log hard disk: Not available Hostname: FortiGate-60F Private Encryption: Disable Operation Mode: NAT Current virtual domain: root Max number of virtual domains: 10 Virtual domains status: 1 in NAT mode, 0 in TP mode Virtual domain configuration: disable FIPS-CC mode: disable Current HA mode: standalone Branch point: 0418 Release Version Information: GA System time: Mon May 1 21:39:39 2023 Last reboot reason: warm reboot
FortiGate-60F # get hardware status Model name: FortiGate-60F ASIC version: SOC4 CPU: ARMv8 Number of CPUs: 8 RAM: 1918 MB EMMC: 3742 MB(MLC) /dev/mmcblk0 Hard disk: not available USB Flash: not available Network Card chipset: FortiASIC NP6XLITE Adapter (rev.)
Dettagli dell'articolo M◇FORTINET(フォーティネット)/UTM/ファイアウォール/FortiGate-60F/初期化済/ ライセンス期限2025-7-1/ファームウェアv6.0.6(7 | Yahoo! JAPAN Auction | One Map by FROM JAPAN
□製品詳細 #ライセンス2028/02/10 Fortinet/フォーティネット Fortigate-60F FG-60F 初期化済
ID: admin / Pass: admin でログインできる WebGUIにおいてライセンス期限が2028/02/10と表示されています。
□動作確認、返品について 動作確認の範囲:知識不足、環境不足のため以下の範囲となります。
Serial number: ********
CPU: 1200MHz
Total RAM: 2 GB
Initializing boot device...
Initializing MAC... NP6XLITE#0
Please wait for OS to boot, or press any key to display configuration menu......
Booting OS...
Initializing firewall...
System is starting...
FortiGate-60F login: admin
You are forced to change your password. Please input a new password.
New Password:
Confirm Password:
FortiGate-60F # get sys status
Version: FortiGate-60F v7.0.8,build0418,221012 (GA.F)
Firmware Signature: certified
Virus-DB: 91.00772(2023-02-20 20:26)
Extended DB: 91.00772(2023-02-20 20:26)
AV AI/ML Model: 2.09792(2023-02-20 20:45)
IPS-DB: 22.00498(2023-02-16 05:48)
IPS-ETDB: 0.00000(2001-01-01 00:00)
APP-DB: 22.00498(2023-02-16 05:48)
INDUSTRIAL-DB: 6.00741(2015-12-01 02:30)
IPS Malicious URL Database: 4.00626(2023-02-19 13:46)
Serial-Number: ********
BIOS version: 05000009
System Part-Number: P24286-03
Log hard disk: Not available
Hostname: FortiGate-60F
Private Encryption: Disable
Operation Mode: NAT
Current virtual domain: root
Max number of virtual domains: 10
Virtual domains status: 1 in NAT mode, 0 in TP mode
Virtual domain configuration: disable
FIPS-CC mode: disable
Current HA mode: standalone
Branch point: 0418
Release Version Information: GA
System time: Mon May 1 21:39:39 2023
Last reboot reason: warm reboot
FortiGate-60F # get hardware status
Model name: FortiGate-60F
ASIC version: SOC4
Number of CPUs: 8
RAM: 1918 MB
EMMC: 3742 MB(MLC) /dev/mmcblk0
Hard disk: not available
USB Flash: not available
Network Card chipset: FortiASIC NP6XLITE Adapter (rev.)
FortiGate-60F #
商品説明欄と異なる それ以降は一切お受けしませんので、商品到着後は速やかなチェックをお願い致します。 □
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Dettagli dell'articolo M◇FORTINET(フォーティネット)/UTM/ファイアウォール/FortiGate-60F/初期化済/ ライセンス期限2025-7-1/ファームウェアv6.0.6(7 | Yahoo! JAPAN Auction | One Map by FROM JAPAN
FortiGate-60F (FG-60F) ピックアップ商品 | 株式会社電話センター | 中古ビジネスホンの販売